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Showing posts from April, 2022

Soprano Ice Treatment – What Is It?

Hair follicles are targeted by the Soprano ice treatment system. When the laser locates the root and quickly destroys the base of the targeted hair follicles, it switches from emitting light to emitting heat. Because the vital part is damaged, the hair can no longer be grown. The hair on the root base that is left will fall out. The laser used in Soprano Ice Treatment is often used for hair removal that is gentle, and the procedure is painless and comfortable. The laser won't work on white, grey, or ginger hair because it doesn't have enough melanin pigment in the follicle to get the best results. Also, very fine hair may not be affected because it lacks sufficient density and thus melanin for the laser treatment to be effective. How is the procedure done? Patients must refrain from tanning for two weeks and from any sun exposure for one week before the treatment. Patients should also wait at least 6 weeks before using hair removal creams, threading, tweezing or waxing. Shavin...